DeepClone an object using javascript

Hi there 🙌

Thanks for showing the love and support on the last post. In this article we'll see how we can create a deep clone of an object using javascript.

Let's to this


Here we are taking this test object and we have to create a copy of this object where the following conditions should be working:

  • output - deep clone object where assertion input === output false i.e test obj === clone obj //false

  • If we'll change any value in test object then it should not affect the cloned object.

// write a function to deep clone an object

let test = {
  past: [{ day: 31 }, { month: 12 }, { year: 2020 }],
  present: [{ day: 1 }, { month: 1 }, { year: 2021 }],

We'll solve this problem using recursive function and reduce out bigger problem into smaller chunks.

let test = {
  past: [{ day: 31 }, { month: 12 }, { year: 2020 }],
  present: [{ day: 1 }, { month: 1 }, { year: 2021 }],

const deepClone = (input) => {
  let result = {}

  // logic here

  return result


So here we'll iterate over each key in the object that's why we'll use for in loop. Learn more

for (let key in input) {
  result[key] = deepClone(input[key])

Using this we'll get the following output where we have only empty objects and value is not passed to the each key.

// output
  past: [ [ day: [] ], [ month: [] ], [ year: [] ] ],
  present: [ [ day: [] ], [ month: [] ], [ year: [] ] ]

To get each and every value we have to check whether an input is object or not! If input is not a type of object we'll just return the input value.

if (typeof input !== 'object') {
  return input

After applying the above condition we just reached our output and just need the data in exact format. As of now we have the following output.

  past: [ [ day: 31 ], [ month: 12 ], [ year: 2020 ] ],
  present: [ [ day: 1 ], [ month: 1 ], [ year: 2021 ] ]

To fix this we have to check the type of the input and if it's an array then we'll assign results as an empty array else an object.

let result = Array.isArray(input) ? [] : {}

So, here we're finally done with the code implementation of deep cloning an object using recursive approach in javascript. Hope this solution help you understand the basics.

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